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The Ultimate Guide to TikTok Influencer Product Gifting

What is TikTok? Why is everyone talking about it? What makes it relevant to the marketing world?

Marketing trends changed a lot over time. Gone were the days of merely creating enticing ads.
At present, attracting consumers require more effort. There is an increase in different marketing approaches, and influencer marketing is the best strategy in building brand awareness. Social media platforms are now marketing tools, and TikTok is becoming a powerful platform in product scaling. Let me tell you more about this latest app.

TikTok is the latest social media platform to join the ranks of Instagram and Facebook. But with its steady rise in popularity, it is giving these social media giants a run for their money. So how is it different? It provides short-form vertical videos lasting between 15 to 60 seconds. The user-friendly interface makes video creation easy you'll feel like a pro.

The popularity of the platform is growing exponentially. With new members joining every day, it was the most downloaded app in 2020.

The next question is, how can you use a micro-influencer to benefit your brand? How can it help with brand awareness?

How Do Influencer Campaigns Work?

What is the best approach to reach out to the masses and create the buzz around your product? It's getting influencers on board to talk about your brand!

Social media is an incredible marketing tool. Instagram and TikTok make it easier for brands to connect with their target audience. The number of followers the influencers have on these platforms is astounding. So why not make the most of it? It will undoubtedly do your brand a world of good to get a micro-influencer on board for marketing.

Yes, Instagram is incredibly popular as one of the top social media giants. But TikTok is rapidly catching up. Why? Because it has a more laid back and less-serious feel to it. And Instagram offers a picture-perfect culture that feels more scripted.

So, how can you use TikTok influencer marketing to take your branding to the next level? Essentially, you have two main choices.
·Product seeding / Influencer Gifting
·Paid campaign

Among these options, product seeding and influencer gifting showed better results. Both involve sending of gifts. But product seeding has no strings attached, while influencer gifting includes an explicit expectation of social media promotion.

Based on the results of numerous campaigns, product seeding with micro-influencers of 10K-100K followers delivered the best ROI for the majority of the brands. Let's talk more about product seeding and how it can benefit your brand!

Understanding What Product Seeding Is All About

Most brands increasingly rely on influencers to build brand awareness, drive sales and launch new products. As stated earlier, product seeding is the most effective approach. So how exactly does product seeding work?

Product seeding refers to the marketing strategy wherein companies gift their products to relevant influencers. You only spend on the value of the product and shipping. Even better, there are no fees to negotiate, no post placements, and no usage rights to negotiate. But you can do so later down the line.

Product seeding refers to the marketing strategy wherein companies gift their products to relevant influencers. You only spend on the value of the product and shipping. Even better, there are no fees to negotiate, no post placements, and no usage rights to negotiate. But you can do so later down the line.

The micro-influencer is under no obligation to post about the gift. Your goal is to build goodwill and establish a relationship with the influencer. 

A majority of them will ultimately post to show their appreciation.
And that's how your marketing gains mileage!

Selecting the Right Influencer

You can think of influencer gifting as a means to enhance word-of-mouth marketing. With more people talking about it, the brand gains more traction. The best part? You don't have to bear extra marketing expenditure for this purpose!

So how can we use product seeding effectively? It's pretty easy! Find the right micro-influencer with a large and engaged audience. Influencers with 10 to 100K followers are the sweet spot.
Not too big to expect a hefty paycheck for promotions but adequate to bring a bit of freshness to your marketing campaign.

Benefits Of Influencer Gifting All Brands Should Know!

Do you wonder why influencer gifting became such a popular trend these past few years? This marketing tactic helps your brand in more ways than one. Here’s how!

Form A Strong Relationship with Influencers
You might not have realized it, but influencers use their interests to connect with their online followers. For instance, while one micro-influencer focuses on fashion posts, the other is cooking. Through their interests, they differentiate themselves from others. Each of them uses a specific type of content.

Teaming up with influencers through influencer gifting solidifies your relationship with them. As a result, they become fans and even partners in your marketing campaign without much effort.

Enticing ROI
Reaching out to a micro-influencer for marketing is a cost-effective tactic. Moreover, the content you receive from influencers is authentic and a means of showing genuine appreciation. Hence, it is bound to be high-quality. You can also use this valuable content as part of your campaign without bearing the expenses of extensive marketing. Doesn't that sound like a steal? Moreover, it makes your marketing effortless!

And with Tiktok influencer gifting, there's a wide range of activities. You can even create a Hashtag challenge and get the ball rolling!

Statistics were able to prove the effectiveness of influencer gifting. According to studies, almost 20% of influencers open the gifts they receive. And around 30% of them will post about the product a couple of times. Influencers with relevant following and content will have an approximately 2% click-through rate. That is more than you can expect with other marketing techniques!

To make it simpler, if you hand out gifts to 500 influencers, chances are at least 30 will respond positively and post about it 2 to 3 times. It will, in turn, get you an average of 15K impressions, resulting in $27,000 in revenue. What more is there to ask?

Increase The Brand Exposure And Creating Loyalty
The act of sending a micro-influencer something without expecting an immediate response can potentially win their trust. It eventually converts to brand love. You gain credibility not only with the influencers but also with their audience.

Furthermore, the ties binding you will lead to loyalty. Influencer gifting wins you goodwill and paves the way for a healthy working relationship.

How To Make The Most Of Influencer Gifting?

Product seeding might sound simple. However, it requires proper planning to be a success. Here's what you need to do.

Finding a suitable influencer
Not every influencer will be a match for your brand. Choose someone whose following aligns with your target audience.

It is best to approach an influencer with an active following and connections to bigger influencers. It will make it easier for you to network later.

Approaching The Influencer
Do not send a gift to the micro-influencer out of the blue. Give it some time and endeavor to get to know them beforehand. Analyze their latest content and gauge their online engagement. Identify the influencers' interests so that you can send the product that will appeal to them.

You can also try to warm up to them by making the gift appear more personal instead of merely a marketing strategy. Mention some details from their content that prompted you to reach out to them. Do your homework and make it clear to the influencer that you made an effort to connect to them.

It's Time To Gift
Not everyone jumps at the prospect of getting a free product, so it's always better to ask first. Politely inquire from the influencer if you can send a gift. Personalize it to make way for a healthy working relationship.

Don't Expect An Immediate Return
Never ask anything in return for the gift. Give the influencer some time to use your product and fall in love with it. Let the connection grow naturally.

Follow up on it after some time. Inquire about how the influencer finds the product and if there are queries. Keep it natural without seeming desperate for a shout-out.

Let The Partnership Form
Once your relationship solidifies, you can start asking for content subtly. But don't expect mentions or tags. A post with the product is an excellent start! Once you gain the influencer's support, they will begin recommending and tagging you.

Only after they become a part of your team can you start giving them pointers, but be subtle about it. Share with them the highlights of your product.

Make Your Brand The Talk Of The Town With Influencer Gifting!

There's so much you can achieve by leveraging influencer marketing. TikTok is undoubtedly a powerful platform for this purpose. It is because people of all ages are a part of it!

So, if you want to ensure a massive ROI with minimal investment, here's your chance. You will be surprised at the conversion rate these influencers bring with them! It's time to witness exponential brand growth!

Main Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
2022-02-17 16:19